Welcome to ATMA Muzaffarpur

To restructuring and strengthening of agricultural extension machinery, Extension Reforms in India were pilot tested in 28 Districts in 7 States from 1998 to 2005. This successful experiment served as a basis to launch the Scheme “Support to State Extension Programmes for Extension Reforms” in the year 2005-06. It was revamped, expanded and strengthened comprehensively in the year 2010 & 2014. It is currently operational in 676 districts.

National Mission on Agricultural Extension & Technology (NMAET) was Started in 2014-15 with Sub mission on Agricultural Extension (SMAE) .

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Mr. Sudhir Kumar

District Agriculture Officer Muzaffarpur

Mr. Subrat Kumar Sen, IAS

District Magistrate Muzaffarpur

About ATMA

ATMA is an autonomous institution set up at district level to ensure delivery of extension services to farmers . ATMA Governing Board is the apex body of ATMA which provides overall policy direction. ATMA Management Committee is the executive body looking after implementation of the scheme. District Farmers Advisory Committee is a body to provide farmers feedback for district level planning and implementation. With dedicated staff provided for the ATMA, it will continue to be the district level nodal agency responsible for overall management of agriculture extension system within the district, including preparation of Strategic Research and Extension plan (SREP).

The Block ATMA Cell consisting of Block Technology Team (BTT) (a team comprising officers of agriculture and other ...

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Guidelines for the Centrally Sponsored Scheme “National Mission on Agricultural Extension and Technology (NMAET)” to be implemented during the XII Plan


We provide 24/7 Kisan support.

Please feel free to contact us at (+91) 9431818743, 9798429829 for emergency case.

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