ATMA Governing Board (GB)
The ATMA Governing Board (GB) is a policy making body which provides guidance, reviews & steers the progress and functioning of the ATMA.
1. | District Magistrate or Chief Development Officer (CDO)/Chief Executive Officer (CEO) as decided by DM | Chairman |
2. | District Head of Agriculture Department | Member |
3. | Representative of ZilaPanchayat/ZilaParishad | Member |
4. | District Head of Fisheries | Member |
5. | District Head of Horticulture | Member |
6. | District Head of (Animal Husbandry/Sericulture) | Member |
7. | One representative from Zonal Research Station (ZRS) | Member |
8. | Programme Coordinator, KrishiVigyan Kendra | Member |
9. | Lead Bank Officer of the District | Member |
10. | Representative from District Industrial Centre | Member |
11. | Representative from Agriculture Marketing Board | Member |
12. | Representative from DRDA | Member |
13. | One Farmer representative | Member |
14. | One Livestock Producer | Member |
15. | One Horticulture Farmer | Member |
16. | One Representative of Women Food Security Group | Member |
17. | One Representative of FIG/CIG | Member |
18. | One SC/ST farmer representative | Member |
19. | A representative of NGO working in Agriculture/Allied Sector | Member |
20. | Representative of input supplying Association | Member |
21. | A representative of trained input dealers who is also providing extension services | Member |
22. | Representative from companies availing tax benefit u/s 35CCC (if available) | Member |
23. | One farmer representative from Fisheries/Sericulture sector | Member |
24. | Project Director ATMA | Member- Secretary- cum- Treasurer (Ex- officio) |
1. All non-official member of GB are to be nominated by the District Farmers Advisory Committee by consensus or by majority.
2. Out of the non-official members so nominated one-third would be women farmers and one-third would be farmers from small & marginal category.
3. The non-official members will be appointed as the member of GB for a period of 2 years.
Key functions of ATMA Governing Board
The key functions of ATMA Governing Board would be to:
1. Review and approve Strategic Research and Extension Plan (SREP) and annual action plans that are prepared and submitted by the participating units.
2. Receive and review annual reports presented by the participating units, providing feedback and direction to them as needed, for various research and extension activities being carried out within the district.
3. Receive and allocate project funds to carry out priority research, extension and related activities within the district.
4. Foster the organization and development of Farmers’ Interest Groups (FIGs) and Farmers Organizations (FOs) within the district.
5. Facilitate greater involvement of private sector and firms and organizations in providing inputs, technical support, agro-processing and marketing services to farmers.
6. Encourage agriculture lending institutions to increase the availability of capital to resource poor and marginal farmers, especially SC, ST and women farmers.
7. Encourage each line department, plus the KVK and ZRS, to establish farmer advisory committees to provide feedback and input for their respective Research - Extension Programmes.
8. Enter into contracts and agreements as appropriate to promote and support agricultural development activities within the district.
9. Identify other sources of financial support that would help in ensuring the financial sustainability of the ATMA and its participating units.
10. Converge human and financial resources available for extension under different schemes and programmes of DAC&FW.
11. Establish revolving funds/accounts for each participating unit, and encourage each unit to make available technical services, such as artificial insemination or soil testing, on a cost recovery basis moving towards full cost recovery in a phased manner.
12. Arrange for the periodic audit of ATMA’s financial accounts.
13. Adopt and amend the rules and by-laws for the ATMA.
14. Meetings of ATMA GB must be convened in every quarter.
15. Any other functions that support effective functioning of ATMA in the district.
16. To decide integration and re-designing of on-going developmental schemes in accordance with District SREP.