About ATMA Muzaffarpur
National Agriculture Technology Project (NATP) with the financial assistance of world Bank has been launched to address the constraints and weaknesses of on going Research and Extension Projects.
Before lunching the new project, the new System was pilot tested in 24 districts covering 6 (six) States in Andhara Pradesh, Bihar, Himachal Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa and Punjab. Muzaffarpur was one of the four district in Bihar Selected for this pilot Project. other district were Patna, Madhubani and Munger.
ATMA Muzaffarpur was registered as a district level autonomous Society under Society Registration Act 21, 1860 with registration No. 127/ 2000-2001 date 24.04.2000 SREP of Muzaffarpur district was Prepared and printed in the year 2001. Since then ATMA Muzaffarpur is working as a nodal Extension Centre for the Implementation of all Scheme of Agriculture and Allied Sector and transfer of latest Technology among farming community.